Tuesday, 21 July 2009


Why, hello there!

It would seem that all the issues with my darling laptop that I ranted about in my last post have miraculously been fixed. Well, my neighbour jiggled it about a wee bit, gave it some meds and whispered sweet nothings through the mic et voila! We're all happy.

After a pleasent pot noodle in the garden with the clucks, I got pondering...

Since the dawn of agriculture, chickens have been genetically engineered to be fat, flightless, egg laying machines. We have no desire for skinny chickens, except for competing. We don't want chickens that fly, that would just make it easier for them to escape.

So, as I watched my gormless hens scratch up the garden, my thoughts meandered into the realms of government conspiracy theories.

Schools are publicly shown to encourage ALL children and teenagers to 'aim high' and 'achieve their best', but surely this can not be beneficial for the country?

If all children were pushed to achieve fantastically academically, then the UK would wind up in a rather sticky situation. We need worker bees! People who aspire to very little and will happily serve their country by doing inane, seemingly dull or grubby tasks.

In other words, we need RETARDS! Not total retards, but humans of a minimal intelligence.

Now... the government highlights those who are deemed overachievers, with programmes such as 'Gifted and Talented' etc, but what about the other students?

Is it possible that they are taught enough to pass exams, yet there is some censored rule that prevents teachers from stimulating their minds? Education is practically spoonfed, atleast through GCSE level, numbing our brains. Boring people senseless and regurgitating them from the education system. Was this intended? Were they unknowingly brainwashed into thinking that they must escape and find another direction, only to be cast down into the cesspits of the lowest paid jobs possible? I'm sure that nobody truly aspires to empty out smelly bins, but somebody has to do it!

Obviously, I really have no idea where I am going with this whole idea, like always :)

But then this leads to the loophole of those lovely lovely people who spend their lives like parasites on benefits. They have never got anywhere in life, they failed to learn anything ever, and now they plan on making money by making babies.

Slutty Chav + Horny Chav + lack of sex ed + lack of braincells = Ickle Chavlets + easy moneys.

And then the cycle repeats from the offspring.

But - this can'nae be good from a political perspective!

Or can it? These people are loathed by society! They are classed even lower than those trapped in unpleasent careers. So, maybe, this is good, as it gives those working a common enemy. They all work, and continue to work, so to avoid being classed with these unGodly cretin.

Maybe its just the natural pecking order of things?

Ackkk - brain has frazzled a wee bit now, ideas are flitting by at a rapid pace, kind of like bumblebees on LSD. Now that would be a sight!

I'll give up on this post, as I guess it died long ago.



  1. You do make me laugh.
    yep. well, schools dont have enough resources to teach everyone well. we all learn differently, and some come out of it well and some don.t :/ ah well.
    probably is the pecking order.

    it all makes sense now :o

  3. I happen to agree with you in some ways here. Why are the government "helping" Gifted and Talented pupil who surely, by definition, don't need extra help? When there are people who are disadvantage but are intellegent enough to acheive well who do get shafted and dumped into the same group as the Chavvy invalids :/ For example, I have a dislexic friend who is perfectly intellegent and could do really well for himelf if he was ever given the right help, but alas, no-one seems to have got round to doing this.

    It's not going to get any better if Conservative get voted in either, as they are a bunch of toff-y elitists to the last man.

    This country has gone beyond fucked up and become simply ridiculous

    good post :) xx
