Sunday, 12 July 2009

Dost thou BELIEVE???

Sooo, after roaming the dark, cavernous depths of facebook for an inhuman length of time, I was left pondering...

Now, Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering???


Apparently, to be a cool kid, you no longer need to be high on weed, shagging the entire rugby team or out binge drinking every night. No, the key to coolness is now....

Brace yourself for it...

Prepare to be enlightened...



And, yes, I am completely and utterly serious!

Evenings are not for partying, they are for Alpha - to become closer to God.
No more splurges in Topshop, oh no, they save up for that ultra holy, extra churchy, limited edition Bible!
Prayer is SEXY!

What happened?
Since when did such a vast amount of teenagers become so obsessed with religion?

Now, I have my own views and beliefs but I refuse to conform to a single point of view. I have nothing against Christianity, I am just so very confused about where all this came from.
Shouldn't us youths be out mocking the old fuddy duddy churchgoers?
Shouldn't we be rebelling - searching for something our 'rents won't approve of?

Is this a fad? Like pokemon or rubiks cubes?
Or have teenagers truly heard their divine calling?

I know I'm asking alot of questions, but this is something that has truly baffled me.
In fact I've been quite tempted at times to pop along to one of these Alpha meetings just to see what all of the fuss is about.

Maybe it is simply a local thing to wear I live, as I can hardly imagine the street corner chavs of Brum debating the plagues of Exodus 10.

I don't know. I just simply don't understand :S

Teeheee... I guess that was something I needed to get off my (unfortunately flat) chest.
Well, yesterday I had a visit from my top whore!
The tardy boy came over for an evening of muffin munching (actual blueberry muffins, that is) and pirate perving...
Despite his age, Johnny Depp is still something to look at! Yet you always feel kind of gross when you remember that he's the same age as the 'rents. Ew. It's a shame that Orlando is such monotonus git, otherwise I'm sure he could provide a decent distraction ;).

Mmmmm pirates....

Anyways, today I successfully slept in till 3.23 in the afternoon.
I was proud.


Edit: And as if to confirm my musings about teenage religion, it seems that half of facebook is wittering excitedly about Bible Week. BIBLE WEEK?! ...what is the world coming to?


  1. I actually have observed the same thing as you!! Too many people on a daily basis are telling me about how rad christianity is :/ I wouldn't mind but I became an Atheist recently so it's doubly annoying

    love your blog

  2. it's because Jessica Spencer, lovely as she is, has been ranting to her many contacts about the importance of christianity and the church.
    i think this may end up turning into a reality of angels and demons, of which you must see my darling whore barrel.
    and those blueberry muffins were good !
    and Jonny Depp, mmmhhhmmmm (; i know where he resides in the UK ;)

    LOVE !



    Pokemon and Rubix Cubes, I love both. XD and Pirates of the Caribbean............. ahhhh.

    its greenpanda btw, im in spain, but cant sign in on the rent-a-pc.
