Monday, 22 June 2009

Bibbidy Bobbidy BOO!

And life is changed, with the flick of some old hags magical stick...

After flapping about like a derranged moth for the past month, what with the show and exams, it's utterly discombobulating to have nothing to do all of a sudden. Ha - as I type, there is a big ass moth repeatedly ramming itself against the window! What a tard!
Alas, I sympathise for the poor thing. It has only one ambition in life, yet it is one that it can never fulfill. They are born with the sole desire to rea - ---

SH*T there's one on my bed!!!!!!

Urrgghh - now it's on the lampshade...

Anyway, moths are constantly on a mission to reach the moon. They are so desperate to get to the moon that they are often misguided and confused by manmade light sources. Unfortunately, this is their tragic downfall as they fry themselves on the surface of a lightbulb. Martyrs for the moon. I can relate to them.

Back on topic! Yes, now I find myself at a loss. I'm bubbling, oozing and brimming with creativity and artistic inspiration yet know not where to begin. Plus there's the issue of next week...

Intake days. Don't get me wrong, it's terribly exciting, but I am petrified! Due to my being socially inadept, I always make the worst first impressions and it always comes back to haunt me. Yes, I realise I'm being pessimistic. I'll stop. Atleast I have a gorgeous new outfit for the occasion ^_^

One of my summery resolutions will be to write more! Plus I need to renew my art portfolio, it's been a little neglected recently - poor baby.

And I seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY need to do something about this nonexistent love life.

Will put actual plans up on blog at a later date :D

It has just struck midnight. I'm officially a pumpkin!!! And so are you.. muahahaaa


  1. Mehhh my first impression of you was great ^_^
    And I love the trampoline book thing, I am SO trying that!
    Woot for the love life changing, good idea. :)
    And 'Martyrs for the Moon'. Sexy metaphor, I should use that. :D

  2. i know your a pumpkin.
    your a pumpkin and i'm a tardy boy :D
