Saturday, 23 May 2009


I love Philosophy!
Okay, scrap that...
I love asking Pointless Questions!
Well, the current theory plaguing my restless cranium is the 'Brain In A Vat'. This is basically the idea that reality is simply a figment of our overly stimulated imaginations and that, instead of being fully fledged human beings, we are, in fact, brains residing in vats of nutrience.
Scary stuff, huh?
But it makes sense!
Focus on your hand. Observe the patterns on your skin; wrinkles and moles and hairs e.t.c.
Flex it. Poke someone with it. Do whatever you like.
And then think, 'How is all of this happening?'
If your brain controls what you see, feel, do and believe, then what is to say that you haven't just imagined everything you have just done?
Ok, so we've established the theory itself, now lets start delving!
Why would we all imagine the same thing?
Hmm... I have two ideas!
Its possible that everything that ever happens is simply confined to your own unique brain, suggesting that you have created a whole universe to satisfy your ravenous mind. Well, congratulations! If that is the case then you would need a force that was pretty powerful.
But I think that all sounds a little lonely.
So, I would prefer to think that our envatted brains are all being nourished on the same fluid diet and are receiving equal electrical pulses. This would mean that we have all 'imagined' ourselves into the exact same world but, as every brain is unique, we have all taken the form of many individual homosapiens.
It's a funky hypothesis ^_^
Sooooo, if we 'imagined' ourselves here... Why does it suck? :/
Ha! Well, I guess wherever these brains may be, there must be something or someone that put them there. It is very possible that our lives are being manipulated by a bunch of alien like existences. Therefore, they would be the ones deciding what sort of nutritional liquid we must receive and seeing what our brains respond to best. Of course, they would experiment with slight variations either per brain or time or whatever and these would provoke such emotional reactions from time to time. And the brains would think stuff up for themselves too....
It's worrying to envision how we became brains in vats in the first place.
And what is the purpose of a group of aliens storing approximately six billion brains?
And, if you had that many brains, where the hecky would you put them?
MmmmmMmmmm Brains!
I'm going to stop on that note before my own brain overheats!
However, if you have any ideas/questions/comments then feel free to abuse me until I give a palletable response.
(omg - I am sooo proud! My first real post!!)


  1. lovely work on the philosophy fandango my darling (:
    im feeling the mass of brains in vats..
    it somehow makes a very obscure sense.
    just this morning, i was straightening my hair, wondering if my brain was in fact in a large vat of jelly and goo (:
    ohh i love you my brothel manager..
    you give me all the best clients (Y)
    good readings lovely (:
